A collective of journalists and students in journalism.


A collective of journalists and students in journalism.

Peanut and Phouka's Adventures

Exploring the world while visually impaired

The Perfect Defect

A Place Where Blind and Deaf Communities Are Properly Covered

Noir et blanc et carré

La quadrature du carré

South of West

A journalist in New York and elsewhere

Steve McCurry Curated

Steve's body of work spans conflicts, vanishing cultures, ancient traditions and contemporary culture alike - yet always retains the human element.

Caroline Fourest

Blog officiel

Philippe Rochot / Reportages pour mémoire

Reportages et Témoignages: " La mémoire ne filme pas. Elle photographie (Milan Kundera)


The Hindu Perspective

Person of the Year

TIME picks the person who most influenced the news each year, for better or worse

Maria Blakey Gallery

Brushworks, lines recount, art draws life


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